If you have any queries after studying this curriculum, please do not hesitate to contact the Principal of the College.
Introduction to the history, medical research and functional mechanics of Iridology
Principles & Philosophy of Holistic Medicine
The Mind, Body, Spirit connection
Naturopathic Nutrition 1
Naturopathic Nutrition 2
The Anatomy of the Eye
Iridology – Comprehensive studies of Iridology and its application, to include both the European and American approaches
Sclerology – Diagnoses based on sclera capillary manifestations
Pupillotonia – Specific disorders identified from the pupil
Therapeutic Techniques
The application and benefits of Acupressure, Douches, Intestinal-Liver-Gallbladder & Kidney detoxification programmes, Fasting and other dietary regimes, Fomentation packs, Hydrotherapy, Linaments, Oxygenation therapy, Parasitic detoxification, Poultices, Reflexology. Plus much more in the way Nature and the Ancient Arts offer us effective treatments within the spheres of air, water, earth and fire.
Other Analytical Assessments
Blood pressure testing, Blood sugar testing, Lymphatic and Urinary acidity/alkalinity testing, Thyroid, adrenal and other endocrine readings, various other clinical tests
Specifics, Analysis & correctives – as above First Aid for acute conditions
Practice Management & Administration
Patient records, Clinical audit record keeping, Accounting & VAT, Insurances, Stock & Purchasing, Employment and practice health and safety requirements etc
Clinical Training
30 hours with an approved Practitioner (over and above monitored case study requirements)